An immersive, scalable experience for Dell's Open Telecom Ecosystem Lab (OTEL)

- Immersive, online, interactive VR experience
- Social promotional content
- Conducted virtual film shoots within the VR environment for live social media broadcast
- Filmed in-person interview content at the OTEL building
- Created promotional sizzle reel videos
- Updated and re-designed the environment as and when required
- Used the environment to make renders for events
Long story short
Dell Technologies had big plans to build a new lab in Texas, named OTEL – Open Telecom Ecosystem Lab. The Telecoms Marketing Team approached Luxid to help them create an immersive and scalable ‘digital twin’ experience of the physical space before it was built.
In less than 6 months, Luxid produced a virtual reality space to showcase Dell’s expanding capabilities in the telecom arena, enabling them to present live, control the content, and collaborate with partners about their offering.
About Dell with a bridge to where they are and what challenge they had/have
Dell Technologies is positioning itself as a partner to the Telecoms industry to help develop 5G and Open RAN products for enterprises. During the lab's construction, Dell needed a virtual way to demonstrate OTEL’s capabilities to customers.
When Dell sought Luxid’s expertise, their ambition and ideas were bold but needed next-level refinement and execution.

Dell Technologies’ commitment to the emerging telecom 5G open ecosystem saw it physically build its own Open Telecom Ecosystem Lab (OTEL) in Round Rock, Texas. With construction not yet completed, Dell required a means of virtually demonstrating OTEL’s capabilities to customers.
Members of the Dell Telecoms Marketing Team needed the ability to ‘present’ themselves live within the OTEL space, control its contents, and offer customers an immersive, scalable experience.

We recommended an exciting online 3D multiplayer experience to best showcase the OTEL environment, enabling Dell Technologies to tailor presentations to clients without relying on pre-rendered video content.
OTEL was built using a combination of Unreal Engine and the cloud-based streaming service, Odyssey. The latter enabled access via web browser, without downloading any additional software – a useful accessibility consideration.
Working closely with Dell, we defined which products, servers and hardware we’d need to model to include in the OTEL space. Customers could control their own avatar and customize its clothing, complete with a feed from their webcam displayed above the head – retaining the human element that remains so important within business relations.
Cutting edge, yet also light-hearted, the blend of bold visual styling and informative content is designed to keep the audience consistently engaged.

Once published, the virtual OTEL environment proved hugely successful for Dell. A LinkedIn stream showcasing OTEL’s capabilities ranked in the top five of any Dell Technologies broadcast, with data revealing telecom to be the most prominent industry audience. This viewership was entirely organic traffic, meaning OTEL was already reaching the right eyes before any paid activity had even started.
Notably, Dell expressed their interest in expanding the OTEL environment, including new rooms and animated elements, while also showcasing it in an upcoming presentation at Mobile World Congress, an industry-leading connectivity convention.
Well received by the Telecoms Marketing Team who regularly hosted meetings and events in the space, Dell’s customers were also just as entertained by it, enjoying the ability to explore the detailed virtual environment at their leisure.
Not just a virtual space, it also offered Dell multiple avenues for innovation while its Round Rock facility was being completed.
And now the real-life OTEL has officially opened, the virtual space is still in heavy demand for online meetings with customers across the US and around the world.
live viewers (218% above target)
total engagements (175% above target)
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