Posted on: 05 06 2024

Why living our values is so important for all of us at Luxid

Written by
Anu Sonck
Reading time: 5 mins

Having clear, authentic company values is important to all of us at Luxid. Our values ensure that our people get what it means to be part of Luxid and are inspired to work together towards the same goal. But our values are not just something given, we have shaped them together.  

When we started as Luxid, we organised a group-wide workshop so that everyone could share their ideas about our most important values. It’s through this experience, that our values represent what we aim to be as much as who we really are. 

Our values create a simple framework for everything we do, each day, at Luxid: client projects, meetings, training, wellbeing, personal development, helping each other with tasks, events, and socialising and interacting with each other. 

And our values embody and bring to life our business proposition. Luxid simplifies digital for business growth. We are a digital growth partner for our clients. We’re clear on who we are when we talk about ourselves. But it’s through our values that we ensure that Luxidians are truly on board with this. Our values are also our guiding principles when we are looking for new Luxidians - it’s how we ensure continuity. 

Luxid’s values are Trailblazing, Driven, Resourceful and Sincere. And we don’t just leave these values as type on a document, we genuinely live them each and every day. So here is just a flavour of how Luxidians are living them.  


We're here to make a difference. We’re progressive in our outlook, curious about the world, and never losing touch with our sense of fun and adventure.  

At Luxid, we’re big on continuous learning. And our trailblazing programmes are created and led by Luxidians who do the work each day. We all play our part. For example, one Luxidian recently took time out to build a kick ass micro-canvas visualisation for customer journey mapping. 

We embrace new tools and curiously go towards them. One of the best examples is AI. We’ve been using AI in our work for some time now and our people are super focused on trailblazing AI initiatives. Three Luxidians are currently embedding AI into our copy work, creating bespoke bots and even training clients on AI.  

And we’re all about building new programmes for our clients. One Luxidian is currently trailblazing a new customer experience programme that’s going to really take Luxid forward in CX. Annual strategy meetings? Yep, it’s Luxidians that step up to take on challenges and drive trailblazing meetings, not forgetting the fun and unity either. Our events have seen coworker quizzes, cultural dinners and of course amazing moves at the dance floor!


The more you put into life, the more you get out. At Luxid, you'll find a dynamic, hard-working team of people ready to help each other out.  

Luxidians know how important it is to drive forward with new initiatives. Two Luxidians have recently been driving our sales approach, with new processes, fresh tools options for clients and a slick approach to account management. It’s impressive work.  

Many Luxidians take it upon themselves to take on specialist vocational qualifications:  leadership, business management, martech, design…you name it, we are doing it. We have seen amazing growth stories from trainees to team leaders - and all loved by our customers. 

Sometimes it’s the unsung heroes that are the most driven. Everyone knows the importance of IT, so one Luxidian has taken it upon themselves to drive our new security transformation project at ferocious speed. At the same time, another has taken the privacy policy bull by its horns and is relentless in pushing our whistleblowing functionality forward. 


Achieving simplicity in digital marketing isn’t easy. We bring together professional know-how, specialist skills and a dose of pragmatism to deliver better results.  

For many Luxidians, being resourceful is about overcoming work challenges and navigating new horizons. This kind of stuff can come at you in a short space of time. I could name one or two Luxidians that have recently met new challenges head, with a cool, calm attitude.    

Transitioning into new roles is something that is often required in digital marketing. One Luxidian recently transitioned from web to mobile app development, showing true versatility as a developer. We have also seen bigger career jumps - one of our trusted project managers recently followed their passion to become a data science superstar. 

Another Luxidian has become the absolute go-to for everything Power BI at Luxid, always looking for new ways to enhance competitiveness and continually helping to drive team knowledge. 

And, of course, we have our amazing team leads. They’ve become the embodiment of resourceful, playing key roles in development projects, supporting HR, going the extra distance for admin functions, setting up and running training projects…and all the while doing their core jobs.  


What we do, we show. We're a supportive, inclusive team, totally committed to transparency amongst ourselves and with our customers. 

Sincere might be a value you don’t see that often, but at Luxid it’s super important. Our ‘psychological safety’ survey numbers have been amazing to see, and it’s so reassuring that people feel they can be 100% themselves at the workplace. 

Sincerity in Luxid has many forms. For example, one Luxidian has taken ownership of enhancements in many areas of digital including UX, UI, and accessibility and is really appreciated by his colleagues for his sincerity and light-heartedness.  

And you’ll find plenty of Luxidians that are always ready to support others when challenges have arisen with the client work or any other matter. For many, it’s become second nature to be open about what they’re doing for clients and to step up and help others to achieve the same levels of success.  

These are just a small selection of examples of how Luxidians embrace our values every day, not just in the work they do for clients, but in how they go above and beyond the call of duty and are there for others when they need help. Without our people living our values each day, we simply wouldn’t be the Luxid that our clients trust with their marketing challenges. If our values resonate with the way you like to work, then Luxid could be the place for you. Everything you need to know about working for Luxid is here. 

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