Luxid blog

Luxidian talent culture

    How to build a holistic employee experience

    Reading time: 3 mins

    The events of 2021 have activated a debate on workplace culture, resilience, leadership and...

    Employee involvement in strategy work is key in a successful merger

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Last spring we participated in the company’s top-level strategy work. Now a carefully crafted...

    Is your next job Revenue Ops or Growth Hacking?

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Taking a look at the internal changes in our field.

    Why people always come first

    Reading time: 8 mins

    What are the keys to a happy workplace? At Luxid, we take care of our heroes' well-being every day...

    The best brand advocates are sitting right next to you

    Reading time: 4 mins

    We take a look at how your employees or team-members can become informed and capable brand...