Luxid blog

Data driven b2b marketing

    Three winning tips to boost eCom customer engagement and loyalty

    Reading time: 3 mins

    Read three winning tips for eCom operators to boost customer engagement and loyalty, from Johanna...

    Why marketers must focus on the audience, not the medium

    Reading time: 3 mins

    B2B marketing success: how the latest tools and expansive data sets can help marketers win in...

    Six essential steps to choosing the right customer data platform

    Reading time: 4 mins

    Customer data platforms have become a key enabler of marketing success and business growth. But how...

    What success looks like in data-driven marketing transformation

    Reading time: 4 mins

    Luxid researched over 70 B2B and B2BC companies to understand the business success factors of...

    How analytics can help drive sales and prove marketing’s impact on growth

    Reading time: 5 mins

    The goal of marketing is to drive sales and ultimately to play a key role in accelerating business...