Marketing concepts with the depth and longevity to improve marketing impact at every stage of every customer journey.
Drive faster sales growth with highly targeted, data-driven, measurable B2B digital marketing programs.
Increase ecommerce performance and reduce media spend with intelligent end-to-end optimization— from martech to content creation and CRM.
Build competitive advantage through superior customer experience.
Your data can reveal the true impact of your marketing. Accelerate your sales and marketing transformation to become genuinely data driven.
Video can turn B2B complexity into simplicity and human-based storytelling is so powerful when...
Matti Aalto-Setälä is focused on AI, technology and the latest marketing techniques to help solve...
Luxid is shorted at the Global Social Media Awards for Atea, Outokumpu and MSD recognising the...
Luxid researched over 70 B2B and B2BC companies to understand the business success factors of...
Meeting customer expectations and delivering ever greater digital experiences has become pivotal...
Inspired by great film script writing, Chris Neal is now a driven, copywriter in the creative team...
Embracing diverse characters and inclusive storytelling in B2B marketing can engage wider audiences...
Nick Nguyen is a Marketing Technology Developer at Luxid. He loves the diversity in his role and...
A symbiotic relationship between brand and demand and between marketing and sales can drive both...